Gundam Action Figure

METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan

METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan
METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan
METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan

METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan   METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan
Our shop are all 100% original authentic. Our shop are all original authentic.

BANDAI METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam. If "Made in Japan" is NOT described on whole listing page, Items are manufactured in other country China, Vietnam and etc. We treat Japanese Market Usage Items. So items have only Japanese Manual & Menu Language. Japan Voltage : 100V Please check your country's voltage before order.

Plug: TypeA Please check your country's plug. [International Buyers - Please Note].
METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan   METAL ROBOT SPIRITS SIDE MS Providence Gundam Action Figure Bandai Japan